OLTE - Open Innovation Lab from Folklore to Contemporary Art


The scope of the project is the creation of a platform that can function as an Open Lab on Art. In order to be able to build this platform with as much breadth as possible, the following have been integrated into the project team: (a) the Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art, the first museum of contemporary art in Greece and an institution that has one of the largest collections of contemporary art, as well as a series of educational and other activities that are part of the modern cultural creation and (b) the Peloponnesian Folklore Foundation, which has a huge folklore cultural wealth.
The aim is to create a platform that will have an infrastructure role and a dynamic data mining and provisioning role for a range of purposes related to:
  1.  The development of educational and museum-pedagogical applications based on the exhibits and cultural resources of cultural institutions,
  2.  The creation of tools that will allow visitors to create their own "game" after: (a) choosing a type of game (from a specific list of games), (b) choosing a number of exhibits and the exhibits they want and (c) parameters of the game (e.g. duration time, number of participants, etc.),
  3.  The free access of independent creators/companies (participating in the cultural and creative industries) to cultural content, its use (based on the copyrights defined by each body) with the parallel interconnection of the Body

Acquiring the cultural content – ​​Body Exploiting it , through digital infrastructures. Essentially, they allow individuals to create their own educational games, based on the operator's exhibits, to "hang", their applications on the platform (based on specific characteristics and conditions that will be known from the beginning) and to benefit:

  • From their display through the game,
  • Charging the user based on the download, 
  • With a time charge for the use of the game, 
  • With advertisements that will be displayed dynamically during the game.

Each institution will have the option of final approval of the application (to avoid offensive or other phenomena), but also to choose the desired billing policy in advance. In this way, the concept of the "classic" repository available to each institution is connected with the concept of a "game machine", which, however, will have a more educational and museum-pedagogical character. In the first stage of experimental development, the platform will be designed to have the possibility of at least three different types of games (indicatively some are mentioned below), with the aim of increasing its potential in the future within the framework of its commercial exploitation. Organizations that have already installed the platform will be able to access the new support functions with the appropriate upgrade.

The project is part of the National Call "Open Innovation in Culture" of the Competitiveness Entrepreneurship and Innovation Operational Program co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and national resources, within the framework of the NSRF 2014-2020.