Purpose of "KOSTIS PALAMAS" Project:
The promotion, dissemination and exploitation of Greek culture and tourism can be achieved through the tools offered by our communication studies in the broadest sense. For this reason the overall project aims to provide knowledge and skills about communication and the Greek culture for better visibility in the media and those services and relevant bodies dealing with culture and tourism.
Another aim of the teacher training program is also offering a critical view about the cultural pursuits and events with the components of communication studies.
This educational program is aimed at training professionals from the fields of journalism, culture and tourism, as well as those interested in these fields. Furthermore, combining the study and practice of communication and culture, journalism with art history and spiritual life. At the same time, it aims for the beneficiaries to get the seminar training courses skills through which they can combine the capacity for abstract thought with the analysis and synthesis, communication actions planning capacity and skills in the use of communication technologies and information in the context of promotion and exploitation of Greek culture and tourism.
For more Information: KOSTIS PALAMAS